Brand Identity
My brand identity is the cherry blossom to represent growth and new beginnings.
My brand identity is the cherry blossom to represent growth and new beginnings.
#000000; - Foreground (i.e. Buttons, Header, Footer, etc.)
#white - Hover or focus
#2348624d - Container Border
#DF62BC or $brand_pink - Brand Logo , Emphasis
#white - Light background
#000000 - Light Body Text Font
#000000 - Light Headings
#000000 - Dark background
#white - Dark Body Text Font
#white - Dark Headings
Headings use 'Verdana' Font-family. Body text including paragraphs and buttons use 'Verdana' font-family.
Body Text
Caption Text
Body Text
Caption Text
Scroll animations has been disabled for mobile mode -> maxwidth: 800px. I did this to avoid any interference with the viewport for mobile.
Refreshing the browser is required to update the animation when the viewport changes.
GSAP and scrollmagic library was referenced from:
Blossom animation with typewriter