I developed MaskPass to determine if a person is wearing a non-medical mask using the phone
camera, in response to the COVID-19 mandates. My app was developed with Java in Android Studios and implements a
TensorFlow machine learning model to improve mask recognition when capturing an image. The learning model was
created using Lobe and references a large number of facial images of people wearing masks and non-masked.
Imagine an empty office space where visitors are required to wear a mask, and there is no receptionist present
to verify. The Face Mask Detection app assists with this mask verification process through the visitor’s phone
camera linking to the building’s server. My app would scan a visitor’s face to verify if they were wearing a
face mask to proceed. Once scanned, the app would then notify the system if a person were valid to enter and
unlock the main door autonomously. My app can be expanded further in the future - to be run on an entrance kiosk
instead of a phone.
MaskPass demonstrates the potential for how we can optimize future pandemic outbreaks with the use of existing
image processing technologies. As a student attending in-person classes and commuting by transit there is always
a risk to contract COVID-19 especially if students/passengers choose not to wear a mask. My app can verify if
train passengers are wearing a mask before proceeding onboard if there is another serious outbreak that requires
My project is driven by two face mask detection research. Steven King and the research by Mohammed Loey covers
face mask detection using deep learning frameworks.
Steven discusses the development of the Health Greeter Kiosks, stand-up kiosks that can detect if people are
wearing masks and are social distancing. Using an RGB-D camera and deep learning algorithm framework, these
kiosks can validate if individuals are following the COVID-19 mandates [1].
Mohammed discusses detection of medical face masks in real life images using ResNet-50 deep transfer learning
model and YOLOv2 object detection algorithm. His detection algorithm is described have a precision percentage of
81% [2].
I discovered that these innovations discussed in these research papers are not widely utilized in western
society despite being seemingly resourceful for our time of the pandemic. Steven was able to distribute his
health greeter kiosks across his campus, University of North Carolina (UNC) [3]. However, the project is limited
to only this location.
Figure 1: The graphical user interface of a Health Greeter Kiosk.
Red Circles mean users are violating social distancing measures and green circles means distance is safe.
Bounding boxes detect the user’s face and validate if the user is wearing a mask or not.
The face mask detectors discussed in these research papers relies on the
approval and funding from the government to setup at large scale.
From the mask order being repealed as of March 11, 2022, by the BC government [4],
face mask detection setups would unlikely be implemented in public places.
Despite the repeal, BC COVID cases are still rising and mask wearing has been proven to reduce the risks [5].
As a potential solution I propose to innovate on the mentioned face mask detectors as an accessible tool
without government restrictions. Our phones contain many sensors and capabilities already and implementing the
face mask detection algorithm is doable. Using our phones to identify if a person is wearing a mask, can benefit
care home, clinics or other organizations that take health validation seriously. With my MaskPass app, the user
can scan their face and validate if their wearing a mask before entering a public space. With more production
time, MaskPass could potentially ping a receptionist that the visitor is wearing a mask to allow the masked
visitor into the premises.
The process of developing MaskPass involved
troubleshooting key features as separate applications.
This involved creating multiple applications such as an app that accesses your image file,
taking a picture and displaying on the activity, and processing the image using the TensorFlow Lite Model.
I began my process by researching the different learning models that can be used to detect face masks. The
YOLOV2 was almost considered to be used as my algorithm of choice, offering accurate rates. I finally opted in
using the TensorFlowLite learning model as my preference, since this offers
accessibility and easy to learn functions for android and mobile application.
TensorFlow.org [6] was especially resourceful in providing me with setup details
such as adding the TensorFlow implementations in the dependencies, creating a learning model directory in
android studios,
and the methods and libraries available in android studios.
Using Lobe.ai I was able to train and export a TensorFlowLite model by labeling through a Kaggle dataset of
masked people [7].
Making sure the Android Studio’s Gradle plugin was up to date was one challenge encountered throughout the
development process. I discovered that the TensorFlowLite model was only compatible in the newer Gradle plugins
in android studios. I had to ensure all my other code snippets to access the camera and
access the file location was also compatible with the newer plugin.
Once I implemented the TensorFlowLite methods of classifying an image into my Java files, my next step was to
create a camera function and a method to initialize classification method. My approach to this was to add one
functionality at a
time to ensure I can catch any errors or runtime-problems directly.
Code Breakdown
Classifying a face
The TensorFlowmodel was created by lobe.ai and is used as the learning model when classifying a captured image.
I placed the model as a .tflite (tensorFlowLite) under my java directories. The implementation for using the
Tensorflow model must be located under dependencies in build.gradle. Now I can reference the TensorFlow
frameworks in the MainActivity.
Figure 2: A snippet of my tensorFlowLite model viewed in Netron.
Camera Action
My application features a camera functionality, after pressing a button MaskPass would have access to your
device’s camera and open the camera app. This is possible by calling ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE in the
intent when the user presses the button via the onClick(v) method
as seen in Figure 3.
camera_open_id.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Intent camera_intent = new Intent (MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
startActivityForResult(camera_intent, pic_id);
Figure 3: Code snippet for the camera button.
At the end of my code I had implemented the onActivityResult() method to retrieve the captured
image result from the camera_open_id.setOnClickListener().
After meeting the if statement conditions of matching the photo id and accessing the camera app, the captured
image is then converted into a bitmap type. The pixels from the captured image is retrieved from the camera app
by using data.getExtras().get(“data”).
Then the retrieved pixels are displayed on the app layout as a bitmap by using .setImageBitmap().
After taking your picture using the camera app, I implemented the method classifyImage which runs when the user
selects the scan button. This method initiates the model in the .tflite
and scans through the pixel width and height of the taken image using a for loop as seen in Figure 5.
image.getPixels(intValues, 0, image.getWidth(), 0, 0, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());
int pixel = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < imageSize; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < imageSize; j++) {
int val = intValues[pixel++]; // RGB
byteBuffer.putFloat(((val >> 16) & 0xFF) * (1.f /255.f));
byteBuffer.putFloat(((val >> 8) & 0xFF) * (1.f /255.f));
byteBuffer.putFloat((val & 0xFF) * (1.f / 255.f));
Figure 5: Code snippet of ClassifyImage() method's for-loop.
After the image is processed, an if statement determines the confidence threshold of the likelihood of a mask
detected. The confidence level is determined by the .tflite output function. If the output meets the threshold,
then a mask is detected and will display a “You may enter” message on the screen.
float[] confidences = outputFeature0.getFloatArray();
float maxPos = 0;
float maxConfidences = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < confidences.length; i++) {
if (confidences[i] > maxConfidences) {
maxConfidences = confidences[i];
maxPos = i;
Figure 6: Code snippet of ClassifyImage() for determining if a captured image meets confidence
Doing this project alone,
I had learned much about learning models and image processing in android studios.
Working with android studio I had encountered some difficulties adjusting from an Eclipse IDE ,
specifically with the bufferedImage image type.
I had learned that Android Studios do not have a
bufferedImage type and it can be replaced by the Bitmap image type.
In many ways Bitmap image behaves like bufferedImage by
converting your processed image into pixels and looping through the width and height of the image.
I also learned that creating and training learning model is simple and there are many resources such as Lobe.ai
that can help generate a model without complexities. Overall, I can see potential in MaskPass being used by
businesses who are concerned with public safety, prompting clients to use this app as validation. Despite the
easing of the mask mandate,
I feel that having validation for wearing a mask is still a valuable precaution to take, as cases are still
growing today.
[2] Mohammed Loey, et al. "Fighting against COVID-19: A novel deep learning model based on," ELSEVIER, 12
November 2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7658565/. [Accessed 25 February
[4] "B.C. takes next step in balanced plan to lift COVID-19 restrictions | BC Gov News", News.gov.bc.ca, 2022.
[Online]. Available: https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2022HLTH0081-000324. [Accessed: 11 April 2022].
[5] Wang, Y., Deng, Z. and Shi, D., 2022. How effective is a mask in preventing COVID‐19 infection?. [Online]
National Library of Medicine. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7883189/.[Accessed 11
April 2022].